Hear This: Manufacturing Growth and Excellence in the U.S. is NOT Dead!

Don’t let media doom and gloomers make you think manufacturing growth and excellence in the U.S. is a thing of the past.  Hardly! For one thing, new reports show manufacturing  technology consumption is up 62% in 2010 compared to the same time period in 2009.  That’s including a typical summer […]

How Lean Manufacturing Can Result In Happy Customers and Reduced Costs

Does it seem like your maintenance staff is constantly putting out “fires?” Or that your production equipment is always running to failure requiring industrial electronics repair and causing unplanned work stoppages? Lean manufacturing may be the answer.  Lean manufacturing concepts aren’t new but they are gaining momentum…and for good reason.

Love It or Hate It, Your Touch Screen Needs a Little Understanding

Touch screen monitors have virtually kicked their conventional CRT and LCD cousins to the curb.  You may love your touch screen, or you may hate it, but there it is…staring you in the face and begging for a little understanding.  Touch screen repair and maintenance are not as intimidating as […]

Are Wireless Control Applications In Your Future?

Considering wireless?   There are lots of reasons to consider wireless remote I/O systems and we’re hearing more about it every day – you probably are too.  You might be considering adding a remote I/O to an older PLC, PLC repair or upgrade, or installing an entirely new system.  Our customers say they want control solutions […]

Top Four Reasons For Circuit Board Failure – What’s Up With Yours?

Ah, our little green friends…the printed circuit board. Taken for granted until they fail, circuit boards are key to the operation of virtually everything these days. So if you are suspicious, or even absolutely certain, that your circuit board is the problem, you may need some advice as well as circuit board […]

More Power To Ya…Find Out How to Choose The Right Power Supply

Do subjects like high peak load capability and high voltage safety testing keep you awake at night? Worried about the California Energy Commission’s (CEC) requirements for efficiency and no-load power consumption? Confounded about why two seemingly-same power supplies can possibly perform differently?

ABB Is Now Promoting More Fun At Work

Attention all Manufacturers:   ABB is now promoting FUN!  Fun? At work you say?  Under the interesting news category we hear that ABB has teamed with tracermedia interactive to create an electronic game that entertains AND educates manufacturing plant professionals.  Players have fun while experiencing how their reliability decisions will impact performance […]

Smudge Marks Touchscreen Security Risk?

Could smudge marks on your touch screen monitors leave you vulnerable to a security breach?  According to a University of Pennsylvania study it’s true!  Researchers took photos of the smudge trails left on various touchscreens, digitally increased the contrast and found they could unlock secure touchscreens 92% of the time! 

Oh, The Pain..The Misery…Your Drive Just Alarmed Out! Can It Be Saved?

Oh, the pain..the misery…the teeth gnashing and, oh yeah, the cursing!  Your drive just alarmed out, your equipment has stopped, production has ceased, and you are wasting time and money.  Can the drive be saved?  The good news is…probably!  Before it comes to that scenario, consider this:  We all know HEAT is the […]

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