5 Simple Ways to Avoid Shipping Disasters

Picture this:  A cardboard box containing the large Yaskawa circuit board repairs arrives on my loading dock just as expected.  Unexpectedly, the box, marked “Fragile”, has a hole in one side, a corner is crushed and it rattles ominously.  Shipping disasters can be avoided, even with overly aggressive delivery services. […]

What did you say?! This Commercial Just Got Really Loud and I Couldn’t Hear You

Whilst scanning various electronic news sources today there was the usual malicious mayhem and predictable political posturing when…wait a minute…what should behold my wondering eyes but  “The Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation act”?   Is this a Jerry Seinfeld joke?  No, it’s truth! Seems Congress has voted, unanimously I might add, to […]

Buying Gold?

Got gold?  Seems like everyone from entertainer or enlightener Glenn Beck (you choose which)  to hedge fund legends George Soros and John Paulson have been touting buying gold these days.  Maybe investing in gold is right for you, or maybe not, but either way I’ve got a pot of gold for you!  That […]

Hear This: Manufacturing Growth and Excellence in the U.S. is NOT Dead!

Don’t let media doom and gloomers make you think manufacturing growth and excellence in the U.S. is a thing of the past.  Hardly! For one thing, new reports show manufacturing  technology consumption is up 62% in 2010 compared to the same time period in 2009.  That’s including a typical summer […]

How Lean Manufacturing Can Result In Happy Customers and Reduced Costs

Does it seem like your maintenance staff is constantly putting out “fires?” Or that your production equipment is always running to failure requiring industrial electronics repair and causing unplanned work stoppages? Lean manufacturing may be the answer.  Lean manufacturing concepts aren’t new but they are gaining momentum…and for good reason.

Install a Variable Speed Drive And Reap The Rewards

Looking to save energy?  Trying to gain speed and torque control?  Wishing you could control your starting current?  Variable speed drives can do just that and more which means you will reap the rewards quickly. Unless you run your motors at full speed all the time, variable speed drives (VSD) may […]

Love It or Hate It, Your Touch Screen Needs a Little Understanding

Touch screen monitors have virtually kicked their conventional CRT and LCD cousins to the curb.  You may love your touch screen, or you may hate it, but there it is…staring you in the face and begging for a little understanding.  Touch screen repair and maintenance are not as intimidating as […]

Are Wireless Control Applications In Your Future?

Considering wireless?   There are lots of reasons to consider wireless remote I/O systems and we’re hearing more about it every day – you probably are too.  You might be considering adding a remote I/O to an older PLC, PLC repair or upgrade, or installing an entirely new system.  Our customers say they want control solutions […]

Top Four Reasons For Circuit Board Failure – What’s Up With Yours?

Ah, our little green friends…the printed circuit board. Taken for granted until they fail, circuit boards are key to the operation of virtually everything these days. So if you are suspicious, or even absolutely certain, that your circuit board is the problem, you may need some advice as well as circuit board […]