Touchscreen Touchdown: Top 2 Types of Touchscreen Monitors

You have probably interacted with a touchscreen monitor regularly in your daily activities. You may have seen them in ATMs, vending machines, computers, and more. The keyboard is no longer the best way to interact with your electronic devices. With just a finger tap, pinch, or swipe, you can navigate […]

Responsible Recycling What is an R2 Certification

Responsible Recycling: What is an R2 Certification?

Since the inception of electronics in 1835, the risks involved with recycling them have been rising to a point clear e-waste recycling standards are required. The two pain points that companies often encounter with recycling electronic waste are data leaks and environmental health and safety.

5 Tips for Keeping Up with Electronics Maintenance

Properly maintaining your company’s electronics helps to ensure that the job gets done correctly and efficiently, all while getting your money’s worth.  There are several practices your company can use to make sure your business’s industrial electronics stay up to date, up to code, and working efficiently.

Automation Will NOT Replace Employees – Here’s Why

In an increasingly digital world, many are afraid of the possibility that robots could soon begin taking over jobs across many industries. While it’s true that the use of automation technology is increasingly being used, it will not replace human employees completely. 

man works on equipment repair to save money

How Industrial Equipment Repair Saves Your Business Money

Many business owners know that as soon as a needed piece of equipment goes down, it can affect the whole company. If a required tool is no longer working, the employee cannot do their job, which sets a project back, affecting profitability. 

Got Bad Capacitors? Here’s What to Do!

FIVE bad capacitors are what got a Condor power supply grounded! Output voltage reduced to zero! Our customer had fallen victim to one of the most failure-prone components in a power supply: the electrolytic capacitor. Staying informed on the facts about  bad capacitors is IMPORTANT to protecting your power supply […]


REAL LIFE PLANT STORIES – “No sign of life”! That was the “heart stopping” problem description that came along with this OMRON I/O 3G2C7-MC228 unit for repair. There was no input or output! Not really heart stopping exactly, but certainly production stopping! And headache causing for our customer! What Damaged […]

Real Life From the Plant: C Axis drive not ok Error on Servo Drive

From the outside, this drive looks innocent enough.  But on the inside all HELL was breaking loose! “C Axis drive not ok Error” was the symptom reported. But this Osai-Prima Electro Servo Drive 97942050N drive was in need of some serious repairs! Burned spots with burned traces were found inside, […]

4 Ways to Protect Your Industrial Electronics from Lightning Damage

Is it possible to protect your industrial electronics from lightning damage?  Often!  Is the lightning damage to electronics repairable?  Sometimes. Some “shocking” facts first: A lightning strike lasts about 1-2 microseconds…not even time to blink an eye and yet long enough to cause destruction of life and property.  Storms this spring […]