The Benefits of Lab Equipment Repair Services

When you own and operate a lab, the performance of  your equipment is vital. Not only does it need to be correctly calibrated and functioning, it also needs to be reliable. You can’t have precious equipment breakdown or malfunction at the wrong time – or any time.

Can Your Water Damaged Circuit Boards Be Repaired?

Circuit boards are not designed to operate in humid conditions – but what happens when your circuit board is exposed to moisture? Is it possible to repair it? The sad but simple answer to this question is some water damaged circuit boards can be repaired some of the time. Once exposed to water, damage to your electronics begins within seconds – and the longer the exposure the worse the damage. Technically, it’s not really the water itself that is the real problem – but more on that later.

What I/O Cards Are And How They Work

The term I/O means “input” and “output”. An I/O card facilitates communication with the computer by sending and receiving data. I/O is one of the three main components of computers. Basically, for every input, there’s an output. You pull up a document on your computer and use the keyboard to print it. The keyboard is the input and the printer is the output. This is a simple explanation of I/O, but it’s a good start to help explain what I/O cards are and how they work.

What is RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance)

To ensure machines’ longevity, optimum efficiency, and safety of employees, any company that manages physical assets needs an efficient preventative maintenance program. One such program is reliability-centered maintenance, commonly referred to as RCM. 

DIY Repairs vs. Professional Services: Making the Best Choice for Your Sanyo Denki Servo Motor

Troubleshooting your Servo Motor Repair

Servo motors are an essential part of most production units. A servo motor is an electronic actuator that facilitates efficient and precise control of a machine’s linear or angular position, velocity, and acceleration. The voltage dictates the torque and speed that a servo motor produces supplied to it. To troubleshoot […]

VFD device mounted on wall

Top 6 Reasons for VFD Failure and How to Prevent Them

Are you getting over voltage faults from your VFD? Erratic operation? Hearing strange noises? VFD failure? Chances are you may need to change your use and maintenance routines for your VFD and probably other equipment too.  As a rule, VFDs are reliable as hell. But like most things, they have […]

Tips for encoder repair

Simple Tips for Encoder Repair and Troubleshooting

If motion control is important to your production, then your encoder is one of the keys to your success. Encoders are exposed to shock, contaminants/oil, excess vibration, moisture, and high temperatures that regularly put their toughness to the test.

Capacitive vs Resistive Touchscreens

In recent years, touchscreen technology has been evolving rapidly, leading to new and improved technologies that provide consumers and businesses with a wide array of touchscreens to choose from. The capacitive and resistive touchscreens are the likeliest to come across since they dominate the market today. 

Comparing Bearings for Industrial Machinery

Bearings are fundamental to the machine industry as they make up one of the most vital aspects of machinery. Bearings for industrial machinery help to facilitate the rotation of one element relative to minimize friction between the two objects. Ultimately, the ease of moving increases the performance and efficiency of […]

How Do I Tell If My Electronic is Industrial?

When it comes to electronic devices, it can sometimes be difficult to distinguish between an industrial electronic device or a consumer electronic device. From time to time, we have ACS Industrial customers who will inquire about repairing an electronic device that does not actually fall into the “industrial” category.

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