Plant Maintenance….Let the Battle Begin!

The last of the grayish snow heaps are melting away, the grass is already mocking me, the hedge is winking at me with it’s now tiny green leaves promising a massive trim job in only a few weeks and the truckload of mulch will be delivered this weekend.  Ahhhh….spring is […]

Five Easy Steps to Installing an Industrial Network

“Where the heck  do I start?” you might ask.  Installing an industrial network can be a big fat headache, but there is help out there.  I just read this really great article in Automation World (a useful website, by the way) that breaks this process down into five steps. 

See OSHA Top 10 Violations For Fiscal 2010

Safety violations are just NOT funny.  Take a gander at OSHA’s top 10, most frequent violations for FY2010 and either pat yourself on the back for NOT being on a top 10 list or get your house in order if you DO find yourself on this list. 

What To Do About Loose Connections

Wow.  Loose connections…now that’s a “loose” term if ever there was one!  Connection problems are indeed responsible for many non-functioning electronics of all sorts.  Note the key words are connection problems because the problem may very well NOT be looseness at all.  So step away from the torque wrench or […]

Find Out if LED Lighting is for You

Have you seen the new LED lighting tubes that can simply replace your conventional T8 fluorescent tubes? LEDtronics has just unveiled their line of energy-efficient T8/bi-pin LED lighting tubes. What’s so great about that you might ask and what can they do for you?  Quite a number of things, actually, […]

ACS Selected by DOD’s ESGR as Five Star Employer

ACS Industrial Services, Inc. is proud to announce that it has been selected as a Five Star Employer by the Department of Defense’s Employer Support Group of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) for its outstanding support of military families. 

Are You Well Grounded? Don’t Be “Shocked” if You’re Not

 “Shocking” Info Bites:  Almost 500 people die each year from electrical accidents, mostly in the workplace, putting it among the top 10 causes of accidental death in the U.S. Approximately 80% of all injuries and fatalities caused by electrical accidents are not caused by the electric shock itself, but by […]

Zippo Making Lemonade out of Lemons

Wouldn’t it be sad if the iconic Zippo lighter disappeared?  It could happen.  Even as a never-smoked non-smoker (ok, except for that one pack I tried back in 1977 in 10th grade (sorry Mom)) I would miss this American –made symbol of ruggedness and durability with its recognizable click. Zippo […]

Feel Like Plant Maintenance is a Necessary Evil? It Doesn’t Have to Be!

Do you consider plant maintenance to be a necessary evil?  You are not alone.  According to a poll by Plant Engineering, 44% of you feel that way.  And, 30% of you consider it the first place to cut money out of the budget. I get that.  Maintenance is not glamorous, […]

Pie Anyone?

Like pie?  Me too!!! Cherry, peach, key lime, shoofly, apple…. with ice cream…without ice cream.  All pies!  Today is International Pi Day….3/14….Pi…get it?  As most of you are of the engineering mindset, I’m sure you got that. If you didn’t, Pi is the number expressing the ratio of a circle’s […]

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