5 Hacks for Packing a Box to Avoid Shipping Damage

Shipping damage disasters can be avoided, even accounting for the occasional overly aggressive delivery service.  Look at the bent base brackets on the pictured Xantrex power supply.  This is a prime example of shipping damage and we see this a lot. Why the damage?  Do the delivery guys and gals […]

2015 Industrial Trends That Will Affect Your Job and Your Business

What 2015 manufacturing and industrial trends will affect your job?  Your business?  What will come on strong and what will end up in the industrial scrap heap?  Here’s our 2015 predictions compiled after combing through many national and international sources:

How a Power Outage Can Damage Your Power Supplies

What?  Hold on….a split-second power outage can damage your power supplies?   Why?  How? There are a few variations on why and how a power outage can wreck your power supplies.  It depends on the kind of interruption.

Power Supply Failures and How to Protect Yours

Could heat be causing your power supply failures? Very likely and it has a name: “thermal aging”.  Thermal aging (which means heat is making your components get OLD fast!) is an expensive trouble maker. Knowledge is power.  Here  are some things to know about heat and how to protect your power supplies […]

Getting Industrial Electronic Repairs Made Easy

If you use any kind of industrial electronics, chances are you have also needed to get them repaired from time to time.  Age, damage, heat, moisture – they really are out to get you, and no, you’re not paranoid. Maybe you’ve already had us repair your damaged circuit boards or […]

How to Decode Your Industrial Electronic Repair Report

Did you ever request an industrial electronic repair report only to have no idea what it actually means?  Many purchasers of electronic repairs are very knowledgeable about electronics, but more than a few are not. Fear not! Knowledge is power and for those folks who don’t have a strong knowledge of […]

Preventing Rodent Damaged Electronics in Your Facility

Under the weird but true category, we do occasionally get rodent damaged electronics equipment in for repairs. And it’s not always just the gnawing that causes the damage, it’s also what happens AFTER they eat your wiring (yes, that!). If you think about it for a second, it’s not strange […]

Install a Variable Speed Drive and Reap the Rewards

Looking to save energy?  Trying to gain speed and torque control?  Wishing you could control your starting current?  Variable speed drives can do just that and more which means you will reap the rewards quickly. Unless you run your motors at full speed all the time, variable speed drives (VSD […]

Safe Storage Tips for Your Industrial Electronic Spares

Did you ever pull a spare part out of the store room only to discover that just when you needed it, it doesn’t work?  Pretty darn irritating!  Here’s a little advice for safe storage of your industrial electronics, long or short term storage. Let’s say you bought a CNC circuit […]

When to Consider DIY Repair for Your Industrial Electronics

You know that awful metal scraping on metal sound?  Or that burned electrical smell?  These are dreaded harbingers of damaged equipment…often expensive damage.  Do these situations bring out the DIY repairman in you?  How about doing

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