When is a Garage Door That Fails to Open a Big Crisis?

Ok, that’s sort of a trick question. Whenever a garage door won’t open, whoever is stuck inside, or out, considers it a crisis, right? But what if NASA can’t open a 200 foot bay door for a scheduled launch? Now that’s a crisis! While NASA may be full of electronics […]

Oil Refinery Downtime Crisis Averted Thanks to RUSH Circuit Board Repairs

“We are thisclose to a potential shutdown if we don’t get this mission-critical circuit board repaired immediately!” said the “Ginormous Oil” Company plant manager, in a panicy phone call to our customer service rep. Their Gulf of Mexico oil refinery was in danger of experiencing a shutdown that could cost […]

What Does a Failed Servo Amp Look Like and What to do About It

What does a failed DC servo amp look like? Servo amplifiers can and DO go rogue and this can happen anywhere. For example, this damaged Copley Controls DC Servo Amplifier p/n 800-232 failed on the job at a large, East Coast U.S. university. The failure, as described by our customer: […]

When is a Repair Not a Repair?

When is a repair not a repair – Sometimes we receive parts for evaluation that are not definitely faulty. They might be the prime suspect, but the case isn’t closed. We look carefully at ALL the information, and when a customer tells us that their control board might be causing problems, […]

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