Weathering the Storms, Still Open and ready to go!

How to Eliminate Unplanned Downtime In Your Plant

Are you suffering from an expensive case of downtime – the unplanned kind? Unplanned downtime in manufacturing is a budget-killer like no other.  Some estimates put the average cost at $7,900 per MINUTE and its rising! It’s frustrating to watch production come to a stop and deliveries go unmet.  Finger-pointing […]

Manufacturing Trends That Will Affect You in 2016

Manufacturing will never be the same again, but mostly in good ways! That’s the takeaway from all of our research. To save you time, we sifted through scores of tech and manufacturing trends articles** and surveyed our staff to identify key trends and business outlooks that we think will affect you – manufacturing, […]

Easy Tips to Decode Your Industrial Electronic Repair Report

Is your repair report baffling you? Wondering what in the heck those techs did?  Many purchasers of industrial electronic repairs are very knowledgeable about electronics, but more than a few are not.  And just for the record, we agree, repair reports can sometimes be mysterious and confusing. Fear not! Knowledge […]

6 Top Tips to Extend the Life of Your Power Supply

Power supplies – they are ever present for most of us, both at work and at home.  They come in all sizes and levels of quality and for myriad purposes.   Even so, they have some things in common – their universal dislike of moisture, heat, and dirt – which I like […]

Tips on Saving Money in Your Plant

I am always interested in understanding where our customers are coming from. Despite some improvement in the economy, we still hear a lot of concern about needing to “produce more while spending less”. Today’s tips are for helping you “do more with less” and saving money in your plant. No […]

6 Signs Your Industrial Logic / Circuit Board Has Gone Bad

Maybe your production came to an abrupt halt, or you are getting all kinds of beeping and error codes from your industrial electronics.  These are potentially expensive problems to have when it means production is affected. You want to get answers fast!

Help for Water Damaged Industrial Electronic Equipment

Has it rained near you in the past 48 hours?  Probably.  Nearly every state in the U.S. has experienced heavy rains and flooding this spring.  With the floods came the resulting water damaged industrial electronic equipment.  Seems like there is always another storm right behind the last one with barely a chance […]

Tips for Buying Used Industrial Electronics

Buyer beware! Caveat emptor….you’ve heard it many times.  And when buying used industrial electronics (or anything for that matter) be hyper alert for problems.  This 1986 Vickers controller S40 was purchased second hand for use in a sheet metal fabricating shop. As it turned out, the controller did have more […]

Solving High Voltage Power Supply Failure Problems

23 lbs of trouble!  Each Kaiser LS402 high voltage power supply weighs 23 lbs and each one we have received for repairs has had different, nearly catastrophic failures…including components blown beyond recognition (see pics).  The problems causing this damage have varied and include: Internal voltage regulator failure Failure of the […]

8 Ways to Prevent Downtime and Still Save Money

Unplanned downtime is the enemy and you’re responsible for eliminating even the possibility of a downtime situation…preferably without overspending your already tight budget.  So you’ve  implemented a maintenance strategy.  Those maintenance efforts seem costly; but, it turns out that it is even more costly if you do not follow the […]

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