Can Your Power Supply Be Repaired?

A power supply is like an unsung hero in computing. You don’t pay much attention to it until it fails you. Without a spare, power supply failure means halting operations until it’s replaced or repaired.

How to Get Lambda V404P4K Power Supply Repairs

Won’t power up! Erratic vacuum readback! Load issue/no output under load. No output. Intermittently trips instrumentation. Power Supply DEAD! Bad news, right? “DEAD” in this case is not always dead, of course. As it turns out, all of these Lambda v404P4K power supply repairs HAD failed, but were not “dead” […]

6 Top Tips to Extend the Life of Your Power Supply

Power supplies – they are ever present for most of us, both at work and at home.  They come in all sizes and levels of quality and for myriad purposes.   Even so, they have some things in common – their universal dislike of moisture, heat, and dirt – which I like […]

Save Big by Getting Electronic Repairs On Lucky Penny Day

“See a penny pick it up, all the day you’ll have good luck.”  No doubt you’ve heard that childhood chant, or something like it.  Thursday, May 23rd is officially Lucky Penny Day so ACS is declaring that Lucky Penny Day is Your Lucky Day.

Power Supply Repairs for TV Stations

Hey, so what’s going on in all those television stations around the country?  For some reason we have been seeing a huge increase in damaged power supplies sent in for repairs from television stations.  Maybe things are getting a little rough out there in TV land?

Dropped Power Supply Gets Amazing Repair

Have you ever dropped a power supply?  The results can be pretty disastrous no matter the size or complexity of the unit.  But how about this…one of our customers dropped a 25 lb Kikusui power supply and all that extra weight resulted in a lot of extra damage.

Can Today’s M9 Solar Flare Damage Your Industrial Electronics?

Solar flares can cause damage to electronics as they did in 1989 but be reassured that both you and your electronic equipment are in no danger from this large and spectacular solar flare.  It is big, but not that big. Those of you that live in higher latitudes may be […]

Are Voltage Regulators Really Necessary?

The answer to this question could be “it depends”, but I’m going to go right out to end of the tree limb and say the answer is “yes”, voltage regulators are necessary, even here in the United States where the delivery of power is pretty consistent. Consistent to the extent […]

Electronic Repairs Faster and Better

Personally, I have never made a New Year’s resolution, at least not in January.   Business-wise, however, that is another story. The turn of the New Year is a very good time to take stock of your business from all angles, not just from the IRS angle. It’s a good time […]

Help For Your Water Damaged Industrial Electronics

Remember that blog I wrote just a short week ago following Hurricane Irene?  You know, the one where I said that our staff would be here come hell or high water to repair your damaged electronics?  Well, the high water has actually arrived and boy has it!  Tropical Storm Lee […]

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