YES! ACS Industrial Repairs Medical Electronics

You’ve been asking!  These days we are frequently asked, “Do you repair medical electronics?” The answer is YES! ACS repairs many electronics for medical and laboratory devices. And, our experienced technicians have more than 20 years of experience with electronic medical and laboratory equipment repairs! When your electronic equipment is […]

Recycle Your Unrepairable Industrial Electronics Today

Did you know that today is officially America Recycles Day?  Don’t feel bad, I didn’t know either until I consulted my calendar.  There are many reasons your company might choose to recycle unrepairable industrial electronics, but one reason that resonates with almost everyone is “saving money”.

Why Get Industrial Electronics Repaired

Watching the television series “Revolution” the other night got me thinking about electronics (as if I’m ever NOT thinking about electronics!) and the way things have changed dramatically in just a few short years.  Awhile back, many of our customers were throwing away many damaged industrial electronics – somehow it just […]

A Case Study for Creative Solutions for Allen Bradley Touch Screen Repair

Case Study for Repairs on aging Touch Screen:   Who says electronic repair work doesn’t require creativity?  Yes, experience, education, skill, and patience (lots of that!) are necessary.  But a good dose of creativity is just what can make the difference in solving a challenging repair.

Are Voltage Regulators Really Necessary?

The answer to this question could be “it depends”, but I’m going to go right out to end of the tree limb and say the answer is “yes”, voltage regulators are necessary, even here in the United States where the delivery of power is pretty consistent. Consistent to the extent […]

The Secret to Success is Not Keeping Success a Secret

Just yesterday I was listening to a sports interviewer (who shall go unnamed) baiting Terrell Suggs of the Baltimore Ravens by suggesting the team was great but  “stuck” with QB Joe Flacco.  It made me think for a few minutes about why Joe Flacco does not seem to get the […]

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