Varian Circuit Board Repair

Every week…no, no, make that every DAY we get interesting items in for repair.  They are causing trouble for the various industrial plants, offices, or wherever they came out of.  This week’s Troublemaker:  a Varian circuit board 03-930210-01.  The defective board (pictured) comes out of a Varian Saturn 2000 MS […]

Highlights of 4th Quarter Manufacturing Survey of North American Manufacturers has reported the latest MFGWatch survey results for the 4th quarter and they are both interesting and heartening in some areas.  The survey represents a cross section of industries including consumer products, machinery tools & equipment, textiles, aerospace, automotive, medical, and defense.

The Secret to Success is Not Keeping Success a Secret

Just yesterday I was listening to a sports interviewer (who shall go unnamed) baiting Terrell Suggs of the Baltimore Ravens by suggesting the team was great but  “stuck” with QB Joe Flacco.  It made me think for a few minutes about why Joe Flacco does not seem to get the […]

Zirconium, Niobium, Hafnium, Tantalum!

Zirconium, niobium, hafnium, tantalum!  A magical spell?  No, just a list of exotic alloys used in the steel industry that are only a smidgen away from being “unobtainium”.  They are still fun to say even after having spent almost 20 years in the wonderful world of welding. Speaking of unobtainium, […]

Get Service for Hurricane Damaged Industrial Electronics

Hurricane Irene has been no friend to the East Coast …and certainly no friend to your industrial electronics.  Some good news…our facilities are up and running at ACS.  Even though some of our staff’s homes still do not have power, everyone is pulling to keep ACS busy solving your repair […]

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