How to Avoid Voice Mail Jail and Automated Attendant Hell

Tired of getting stuck in voice mail jail?  Frustrated that the automated attendant does not offer menu options that meet your specific situation?   Heck yes!  Well, it doesn’t have to be this way.  Read on to find out how.

America’s Flag Day is Tomorrow, Read Why You Should Celebrate

Here in the United States, June 14th is Flag Day.  Although the first recognized Flag Day occurred in Wisconsin in 1885, Americans have been officially celebrating our flag, a symbol of freedom, since President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed it Flag Day in 1916.  Flag Day celebrates the anniversary of the Flag […]

Remember Those Who Paid For Our Freedom

Memorial Day has come to mean picnics and barbecues, the beginning of summer or, if you live near a coastline, the official start of beach season.  All good things to be sure. In fact, these good things can be enjoyed with freedom made possible by the sacrifices of the men […]

Save Big by Getting Electronic Repairs On Lucky Penny Day

“See a penny pick it up, all the day you’ll have good luck.”  No doubt you’ve heard that childhood chant, or something like it.  Thursday, May 23rd is officially Lucky Penny Day so ACS is declaring that Lucky Penny Day is Your Lucky Day.

ACS Industrial Now Offering Free Shipping

Free evaluations at ACS have ALWAYS been free, and now, for a limited time so is the shipping – both ways. And that’s free shipping for Allen Bradley, ABB, Cincinnati Milacron, Fanuc, Okuma, Yaskawa and thousands of other manufacturers serviced by ACS Industrial. As you may have discovered by now, […]

How to Protect Your Industrial Electronic Equipment From Lightning

Unless you are living in a cave, you’ve probably noticed more than a few damaging storms this summer.  Lightning and electronics do not mix well together. Here are the heart-stopping facts that put your electronic gear in danger: 100 lightning flashes strike earth every second At any given time, approximately […]

Expert Siemens Servo Motor Repair

When some machines and equipment in your facility break, you can often have your in-house support team or service complete the work in your own facility. With other machines, like a servo motor from Siemens, you generally must seek out lternative repair options. The Siemens servo motor is highly important […]

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