Won’t power up! Erratic vacuum readback! Load issue/no output under load. No output. Intermittently trips instrumentation. Power Supply DEAD! Bad news, right? “DEAD” in this case is not always dead, of course. As it turns out, all of these Lambda v404P4K power supply repairs HAD failed, but were not “dead” forever. In fact, these Lambda power supply examples were all successfully repaired!
Here’s a quick summary of typical problems that cause these types of
failures in Lambda V404P4K 450 watt power supplies:
- Cracked solder joints
- Bad capacitors
- Bad power section
- Bad power board
- Overheating damage
- All of the above simultaneously
These Lambda 450 watt V404P4K power supplies are long lasting workhorses. There are a lot of them out there working hard. Eventually they will break down, mostly from aging components.
If your business relies on these Lambda power supplies you are in good company. If your power supply fails, relax. The good news is that most of these power supplies are repairable!
Did you know that you can often extend the life of your power supply? Preventing your power supply from getting fried in the first place is pretty useful information! If you’d like some tips on that from a previous post click this link!
Are you experiencing a power supply failure right now? Think you might need industrial power supply repairs? Check first to see if your equipment is still under warranty. If so, contact the OEM about repairs. If it is out of warranty, hopefully you have a go-to repair center.
If you need a repair center, contact an independent industrial electronic repair center to find out if they are a good fit for your company and your particular repair needs. They should offer free evaluations for your damaged power supplies and a free quote for repairs (no bench fees!). They should also provide repair reports if requested and a good warranty of at least one year that covers both parts and labor.
About the Author:
ACS Industrial Services is an independent industrial electronic repair center providing power supply repairs for all types and manufacturers, circuit board repairs, repairs for drives, servo motors, CNC equipment, encoders, monitors and touchscreens, PLCs, HMIs, test equipment, and much more. RUSH SERVICE is available on request and Two Year Warranties cover most repairs. The very helpful customer service team is available live to answer your questions and help you solve your toughest industrial electronic repair problems. You can reach them by calling 800-605-6419 or going to www.acsindustrial.com.