Safe Storage Tips for Your Industrial Electronic Spares

Did you ever pull a spare part out of the store room only to discover that just when you needed it, it doesn’t work?  Pretty darn irritating!  Here’s a little advice for safe storage of your industrial electronics, long or short term storage. Let’s say you bought a CNC circuit […]

When to Consider DIY Repair for Your Industrial Electronics

You know that awful metal scraping on metal sound?  Or that burned electrical smell?  These are dreaded harbingers of damaged equipment…often expensive damage.  Do these situations bring out the DIY repairman in you?  How about doing

4 Ways to Protect Your Industrial Electronics from Lightning Damage

A lightning strike lasts about 1-2 microseconds…not even time to blink an eye and yet long enough to cause destruction of life and property.  Storms this spring are already ferocious and violent in the U.S. Lightning bolts and electronics do not play well together. 

Tips for Servo Motor Repairs and Troubleshooting

Awhile back, in the best interests of your valuable servo motors, I wrote “Four Easy Ways to Keep Your Motor Up and Running”.   Hopefully, since that time your equipment has been humming along in perfect working order and you haven’t needed servo motor repairs. But maybe things haven’t gone so well and […]

31 Ways to Not Kill Your Industrial Electronics

There are many ways to annihilate your industrial electronics.  Likewise, there are equally as many to protect them.  If you have ever fried your servo drive or your power supply for example, you might think the unit was defective to start with.  Well, maybe.  More likely it was caused by […]

Top Causes for Circuit Board Failure With Help Tips

Taken for granted until they fail, circuit boards are key to the operation of virtually everything these days.  Many industrial printed circuit boards today are complicated, high value items that are cost effective to repair. If your industrial electronics stop working and you are suspicious, or even absolutely certain, that […]

Top Maintenance & Troubleshooting Tips for Variable Frequency Drives

Are you looking to save energy?  Trying to gain speed and torque control?  Wishing you could control your starting current?  Variable speed or frequency drives can do just that and much more.   Read on for benefits, maintenance, and troubleshooting tips for VFDs.

Tips for Troubleshooting Your Troublesome PLCs

Let’s say one of your PLCs is faulting or behaving erratically affecting your manufacturing production.  Besides being frustrated, you also now face some tough choices knowing that your primary objective is to keep production going and to minimize downtime.

Is Condition Based Maintenance Right for Your Industrial Electronic Equipment?

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” Yep, we’ve heard that a time or two or three.  On the face of it, Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) theory might seem like just another version of that casual approach to maintenance.  But not exactly, as this would be way over simplifying and […]

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