The Sweet Smell of Success

Sweet!  The smell of economic improvement is in the air!  AP reports today that industrial production rose in December 2010 by the largest amount in five months which is a great surge of momentum to start 2011. Activity at factories, mines and utilities increased 0.8 percent last month reports the Federal […]

Need Quick-Turn, Low-Volume CNC Machined Parts?

Hey design engineers and CNC operators, have you tried Proto Labs’ online First Cut or Protomold CNC Machining Services?  If you don’t already know about these guys, they could be quite a time and cost savings find for you. After establishing Protolabs, this 10-year-old Minnesota-based company launched First Cut and […]

2011 Electronic Gadgets Revealed!

Gadget guys rejoice!  I have it on good authority that the electronic gadgets revealed this year at the annual International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas had more hits than misses.  More cool toys for you and I to play with in 2011! This is the largest trade show in […]

Tomorrow’s a New Day!

2010 Flashback:  Remember the massive Toyota recall that kept getting shockingly worse, the inspiring Chilean miner rescue, BP’s devastating Gulf Oil Spill, the Tea Party, Mark Zuckerberg (who knew the name Mark Zuckerberg (besides his mom) before 2010?  Now it’s everywhere! ), Facebook, Wikileaks, Twitter, Android phones, the Apple iPad, […]

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