Simplify Your Plant Maintenance Shutdown

Getting ready for your annual or semi-annual plant maintenance shutdown at this time of year?  Whether you call it a shutdown, a turnaround, or an outage, it all results in a high-cost, big-impact event. Like any complex task, a shutdown can look overwhelming at first, but take some time to […]

The 2013 Global Manufacturing Competitiveness Index Results Predict Massive Powershift

The United States, Germany and Japan, the world’s leading manufacturers, are about to be seriously challenged to keep their competitive edge against emerging nations such as China, India, and Brazil according to the 2013 Global Manufacturing Competitiveness Index from Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited’s Global Manufacturing Industry group and the U.S. […]

Could Industrial Electronic Repair Success be Boring?

I went looking through our database for some dramatic repair stories to share with you today…you know, like “forklift speared servo drive unit; customer needs damaged servo drive repaired in 24 hours super rush!”

Recycle Your Unrepairable Industrial Electronics Today

Did you know that today is officially America Recycles Day?  Don’t feel bad, I didn’t know either until I consulted my calendar.  There are many reasons your company might choose to recycle unrepairable industrial electronics, but one reason that resonates with almost everyone is “saving money”.

Case Study: Preventing Unnecessary Repeat Repair Costs

Have you ever had to repair your electronic equipment twice?  Or more times even?  For the same, exact problem?  Maybe, for example, an expensive drive repair?  This unfortunate situation does happen with some regularity and it can usually be prevented by taking some simple, no cost/low cost steps.

Frankenstorm Sandy Will NOT Keep Americans Down for Long

ACS Industrial Services feels very blessed and very lucky to have survived Frankenstorm Sandy relatively unscathed.  All of our facilities are currently up and running at full speed.  Yes, some of our Maryland staff lost power for quite a while and had minor storm damage, but this is nothing but […]

Why Get Industrial Electronics Repaired

Watching the television series “Revolution” the other night got me thinking about electronics (as if I’m ever NOT thinking about electronics!) and the way things have changed dramatically in just a few short years.  Awhile back, many of our customers were throwing away many damaged industrial electronics – somehow it just […]

Power Supply Repairs for TV Stations

Hey, so what’s going on in all those television stations around the country?  For some reason we have been seeing a huge increase in damaged power supplies sent in for repairs from television stations.  Maybe things are getting a little rough out there in TV land?

Winning Solution For “Jerry-Rigged” Circuit Boards

Sometimes we receive some pretty mysterious repair jobs on the old loading dock.  Recently we received three printed circuit boards that were so, so, well, so “jerry-rigged” that we were wondering how they ever worked in the first place what with the point to point hand wiring, jumpers, and patches […]

Amazing Charmilles CNC Board Repairs Get Machine Shop Up and Running

Machine shops are usually pretty busy places, and sometimes, pretty dirty places.  All that grease and dirt have a sneaky way of getting in where you don’t want them.  Take a look at the before picture of this board out of a Charmilles Wire EDM.  Now that is one dirty […]

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