Free evaluations at ACS have ALWAYS been free, and now, for a limited time so is the shipping – both ways.
And that’s free shipping for Allen Bradley, ABB, Cincinnati Milacron, Fanuc, Okuma, Yaskawa and thousands of other manufacturers serviced by ACS Industrial.
As you may have discovered by now, there are only a limited number of qualified and reliable electronic repair centers for industrial electronics.
And those few centers are probably NOT located in your town which means you may have to ship your item to get it repaired. Free shipping can sure take some of the sting out that. Ready right now? Click this link: Get Free Shipping For My Electronic Repairs or keep reading for more info.
If it’s 25 lbs. or less and shipping inside the continental United States we’ll pay the shipping costs both ways so you don’t have to. Call us crazy, but we really want to make your life a little easier. If you’ve been hesitating to get your electronics repaired, now is the time to get it done.
Just fill out the easy online RMA form using this link http://www.acsindustrial.com/repair_form/index.php.
Got questions? Call our customer service team at 800-606-6419 today.
Malfunctioning or down equipment not only cuts into your production it is big pain in the…well, it’s just irritating. Use our free shipping and free evaluation offer to take out some of the irritation.
ACS Industrial provides free evaluations and repair quotes for circuit board repairs, power supply repairs, servo motor repairs, touch screen and monitor repairs, drive repairs, plc repairs, encoder repairs, cnc equipment, test equipment and more.
Each item is not only repaired, but fully cleaned and tested before being carefully shipped back to you. And, each repair is covered by a two year warranty covering not only the parts and labor but the entire unit, unless otherwise noted.
Even if you don’t see the name of your particular manufacturer listed on our website, don’t worry. We can still probably repair your damaged items. Many industrial electronic items can be repaired at ACS for a fraction of replacement cost.
Take advantage of our limited time free shipping offer to save the most on your repairs.